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About Us


     The Company TecSil _ Piacezzi Tecnologia em Silvicultura Ltda was formally consolidated in July 2010, although the activities had begun in January of the same year. Today, TecSil celebrates more than 14 years of solid performance in the Forest Market.

  In July 2015, P&L Produtos Florestais Ltda Company was consolidated, in Alagoinhas, Bahia State. With more than 9 years of consolidated operations in the Forestry Market in Brazil and others countries around the world. Operations in the National and International Market, with the Supply of Strategic Clonal Genetic Materials_SCGM`s, Strategic Forest Seeds_SFS`s and Pollen of Forest Species.

Who We Are

     Responsible for TecSil is the Forestry Engineer, Master in Forestry Science (concentration in Genetic and Forest Improvement, emphasis on Physiology of Woody Plants), interrupted PHD in Forestry Sciences (concentration in Genetics and Forest Improvement, emphasis in Wood Technology) and Specialist in Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition ANDERSON PIACEZZI, professional with more than 29 years of experience in the Brazilian Forestry Sector and South America, working in different Regions / States of Brazil, in Steel mills and Pulp & Paper Companies.


      TecSil _ Consulting & Advisory has worked with specialized technical consulting in several States of Brazil, such as Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Bahia, Piauí, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, and Tocantins, and some countries in South America, advising in all phases forest-based projects, specifically for the implantation of clonal forests of Eucalyptus and Corymbia spp for multiple uses (Pulp & Paper, Bioenergy, Charcoal and/or Solid Wood), as well as, technical and operational management of clonal seedling nurseries and/or Forestry Technological Development.

Call Today: +55 71 99986-6210 or

              +55 34 99835-2266

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Daniela Locce

      Student of Business Administration at 

Fundação Getúlio Vargas (São Paulo, Brazil), class in English. Researcher in the ESG Investments area, supervised by Professor Bianca Checon. Exchange student at the University of Economics and Business in Vienna, Austria. Passionate about education, business strategy and investments.

    She seeks to continuously contribute to the development of students at FGV EAESP, being co-responsible for creating DL-Finance, a company focused on helping undergraduate students through tutoring classes.

 She is deepening her interest in the Commercial and Business areas by joining TecSil's Foreign and National Trade Strategic Management Team over the last few years, as well as by being an Intern in the Investor Relations area at Integral Investimentos, in São Paulo, SP, Brazil.


What We Do

  Acting with Consulting & Advisory Technical Specialized in the area of ​​Forestry Technological Development (Eucalyptus and Corymbia), Technical-operational management in the phases of Implementation and Maintenance of Forest Projects, and in the technical-operational management of Seedlings Production, in Companies of the Pulp & Paper, Steel mills,

Bioenergy and/or Solid Wood, with structuring of projects at technical-physical-financial level.​   

We have acted in the supply of certified clonal seedlings and explants to companies in Brazil,

South and North America, Europe, countries in Asia and Africa.

The TecSil_Forest Products maintain partnership with Plant Micropropagation Laboratories in Brazil to support the

production process of explants and seedlings for export by air, of Strategic Clonal Genetic Materials_SCGM (Corymbia,

Eucalyptus (species and hybrids), Pinus and Tectona grandis), for different countries of the world. Export Strategic Forest Seeds_SFS (Corymbia, Eucalyptus, Pinus, Tectona sp and others spp), to different countries of the world too. As well as, the export of Hybrid Seeds (by controlled or natural pollination) and Pollen of different species and hybrids (from Corymbia, Eucalyptus and Pinus) of interest to TecSil`s Customers.

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